Marrones / Tostados Alfombras

Natural Hand Woven Scallop Braided Jute Cuadrado Alfombra

Natural Hand Woven Chindi Jute Hogar Alfombra

Taupe Hand Woven Haka Deluxe Shag Cuadrado Alfombra

White and Natural Hand Woven Chindi Jute Escalera Stair Tread Alfombra

230cm x 295cm Hand Knotted Luna Wool Alfombra

85cm x 147cm Hand Knotted Balouch Persa Wool Alfombra

152cm x 250cm Hand Knotted Moroccan Wool Alfombra

Natural Hand Woven Lariat Cuadrado Alfombra

Desert Gray Hand Woven Eco Plaid Washable Indoor / Outdoor Cuadrado Alfombra

Light Brown and Ivory Hand Woven Chenille Jute Cuadrado Alfombra

95cm x 140cm Hand Knotted Balouch Wool Alfombra

170cm x 245cm Hand Knotted Kashkuli Gabbeh Oriental Wool Alfombra

80cm x 297cm Hand Knotted Darya Wool Alfombra de pasillo Alfombra

112cm x 315cm Hamedan Wool Alfombra de pasillo Alfombra

95cm x 140cm Hand Knotted Balouch Persa Wool Alfombra

102cm x 195cm Hand Knotted Ultra Vintage Persa Wool Alfombra

90cm x 137cm Hand Knotted Ultra Vintage Persa Wool Alfombra

137cm x 245cm Hand Knotted Anatolian Oriental Wool Alfombra de pasillo Alfombra

150cm x 240cm Cowhide Stocks Alfombra

190cm x 203cm Cowhide Leather Freeform Alfombra

173cm x 280cm Hand Knotted Moroccan Wool Alfombra

270cm x 368cm Hand Knotted Oushak Wool Alfombra

142cm x 203cm Cowhide Stocks Alfombra

220cm x 318cm Hand Knotted Ultra Vintage Persa Wool Alfombra

183cm x 287cm Hand Knotted Ultra Vintage Persa Wool Alfombra

90cm x 393cm Nain Alfombra de pasillo Alfombra

267cm x 370cm Hand Knotted Ultra Vintage Persa Wool Alfombra

198cm x 292cm Hand Knotted Moroccan Wool Alfombra

102cm x 178cm Hand Knotted Ultra Vintage Persa Wool Alfombra

198cm x 310cm Hand Knotted Darya Wool Alfombra