Negros Alfombras

Blackberry Hand Knotted Jill Zarin Dorset Alfombra de pasillo Alfombra

Blackberry Hand Knotted Jill Zarin Dorset Cuadrado Alfombra

Blackberry Hand Knotted Jill Zarin Dorset Alfombra

Ivory and Black Hand Knotted Safiya Moroccan Wool Alfombra

Ivory and Black Hand Knotted Safiya Moroccan Wool Cuadrado Alfombra

Ivory and Black Hand Knotted Safiya Moroccan Wool Alfombra de pasillo Alfombra

Black Hand Knotted WM Brown Driver Alfombra

245cm x 307cm Hand Knotted Oushak Wool Alfombra

115cm x 295cm Hand Knotted Hossainabad Persa Wool Alfombra de pasillo Alfombra

240cm x 275cm Hand Knotted Tibet Wool Alfombra

262cm x 370cm Hand Knotted Oushak Wool Alfombra

115cm x 305cm Hand Knotted Malayer Persa Wool Alfombra de pasillo Alfombra

63cm x 85cm Hand Knotted Ghom Persa Alfombra

155cm x 203cm Hand Knotted Gabbeh Wool Alfombra

188cm x 287cm Hand Knotted Tibet Wool Alfombra

275cm x 378cm Hand Knotted Oushak Wool Alfombra

250cm x 315cm Hand Knotted Oushak Wool Alfombra

275cm x 368cm Hand Knotted Tabriz Hadji Jalili Oriental Alfombra

250cm x 315cm Hand Knotted Oushak Wool Alfombra

147cm x 300cm Hand Knotted Sirjan Persa Wool Alfombra de pasillo Alfombra

85cm x 307cm Hand Knotted Tibet Wool Alfombra de pasillo Alfombra

250cm x 325cm Hand Knotted Oushak Wool Alfombra

282cm x 373cm Hand Knotted Oushak Wool Alfombra

100cm x 155cm Hand Knotted Tabriz Mahi Persa Wool Alfombra

310cm x 432cm Hand Knotted Oushak Wool Alfombra

275cm x 370cm Hand Knotted Oushak Wool Alfombra

277cm x 375cm Hand Knotted Oushak Wool Alfombra

198cm x 305cm Hand Knotted Tabriz Persa Alfombra

245cm x 335cm Hand Knotted Oushak Wool Alfombra

107cm x 203cm Hand Knotted Tibet Wool Alfombra de pasillo Alfombra

245cm x 307cm Hand Knotted Oushak Wool Alfombra

300cm x 475cm Hand Knotted Vintage Royal Persa Wool Alfombra

105cm x 122cm Hand Knotted Bakhtiar Persa Wool Alfombra